In an alternate version of the future where Hitler had conquered the entire world during WW2 and developed society into his vision of utopia, an SS officer is on a mission to find and exterminate the last imperfect human on Earth. Following his trail leads the young Nazi to a small town hidden in the middle of the desert, a place that has been cut off from society for so long that it has developed its own strange and disturbing culture. Thus begins Mellick's dreamlike adventure that takes a young descendent of Adolf Hitler's design and sends him down the rabbit hole into a world of imperfection and disorder, where even the laws of reality itself don't seem to apply. A tribute to both Franz Kafka and Lewis Carroll, Adolf in Wonderland is a perfect read for fans of the bizarro genre.
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- ISBN-13: 9781621050780
- ISBN-10: 1621050785
- Publisher: Eraserhead Press
- Publish Date: October 2013
- Dimensions: 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.33 inches
- Shipping Weight: 0.41 pounds
- Page Count: 140
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