One of the most popular television shows of the 1980s, THE GOLDEN GIRLS was created by television writer Susan Harris (SOAP). The show centered on four elderly single women living in the same house together, all played by sitcom veterans: sensible Dorothy (Bea Arthur), sweet but stupid Rose (Betty White), lusty Blanche (Rue McClanahan), and Dorothy's outspoken mother Sophia (Estelle Getty). The program was nominated for many Emmy and Golden Globe awards, and was consistently in Nielsen's top 10 for its entire run, garnering both critical acclaim and public popularity. It also proved daring for its time, tackling sensitive political issues and for the mere fact it was a prime time show whose characters were much older than television's most desired demographic. SEASON TWO collects all 25 episodes from the program's second year, and features guest stars such as Burt Reynolds, George Clooney, and Rita Moreno.
- Format: DVD (3 Pack, Repackaged)
- Color Format: Color
- UPC: 786936849639
- Rating: NR
- Release Date: March 2016