{ "item_title" : "The Black Death", "item_author" : [" Philip Ziegler "], "item_description" : "As exciting and readable an account as you could wish. -- The GuardianFascinating. - Bill BrysonThe Black Death vividly and comprehensively brings to light the full horror of this uniquely catastrophic event that hastened the disintegration of an age.A series of natural disasters in the Orient during the fourteenth century brought about the most devastating period of death and destruction in European history. The epidemic killed one-third of Europe's people over a period of three years, and the resulting social and economic upheaval was on a scale unparalleled in all of recorded history. Synthesizing the records of contemporary chroniclers and the work of later historians, Philip Ziegler offers a critically acclaimed overview of this crucial epoch in a single masterly volume.", "item_img_path" : "", "price_data" : { "retail_price" : "16.99", "online_price" : "16.99", "our_price" : "16.99", "club_price" : "16.99", "savings_pct" : "0", "savings_amt" : "0.00", "club_savings_pct" : "0", "club_savings_amt" : "0.00", "discount_pct" : "10", "store_price" : "" } }
The Black Death|Philip Ziegler
The Black Death
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"As exciting and readable an account as you could wish." -- The Guardian

"Fascinating." - Bill Bryson

The Black Death vividly and comprehensively brings to light the full horror of this uniquely catastrophic event that hastened the disintegration of an age.

A series of natural disasters in the Orient during the fourteenth century brought about the most devastating period of death and destruction in European history. The epidemic killed one-third of Europe's people over a period of three years, and the resulting social and economic upheaval was on a scale unparalleled in all of recorded history. Synthesizing the records of contemporary chroniclers and the work of later historians, Philip Ziegler offers a critically acclaimed overview of this crucial epoch in a single masterly volume.


  • ISBN-13: 9780061718984
  • ISBN-10: 006171898X
  • Publisher: Harper Perennial
  • Publish Date: April 2009
  • Dimensions: 7.8 x 5.2 x 1 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 0.55 pounds
  • Page Count: 336

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