Llega la continuaci n del fen meno YA por excelencia por primera vez en f sico.Tras la muerte de Luke, Hasley debe seguir con su vida, pasar p gina y mirar hacia delante. Cuando su madre le dice que es hora de continuar y dejar el pasado atr s esas palabras se le clavan como pu ales en el alma, pero no por ello son menos ciertas. Hasley es joven y tiene todo el tiempo del mundo para rehacer su vida y conocer a alguien m s. La vida est llena de oportunidad. Quiz s no para Luke, pero s para Hasley y ella sabe que l hubiese querido que ella continuase su camino y cumpliese sus sue os. Todo cobra un nuevo sentido con la aparici n de Harry Beckinsale, licenciado en derecho, dos a os mayor que ella y con la vida en orden. Ser esta la nueva oportunidad para que los sue os de Hasley puedan descansar en paz junto a la memoria de Luke? ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONThe continuation of the quintessential YA literary phenomenon of recent times, now for the first time in print.After Luke's death, Hasley must move on with her life, open a new chapter, and look ahead. When her mother tells her that it is time to move on and leave the past behind, those words stab her like daggers straight into her soul, but they are no less true. Hasley is young and has all the time in the world to rebuild her life and meet someone new. Life is full of opportunities. Maybe not for Luke, but certainly for Hasley and she knows that he would have wanted her to continue her path and fulfill her dreams. Everything takes on a new meaning when Harry Beckinsale irrupts into her life, a lawyer, two years older than her, and has his life in order. Will this be the new opportunity for Hasley's dreams to rest in peace along with Luke's memory?
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- ISBN-13: 9781644736463
- ISBN-10: 1644736462
- Publisher: Montena
- Publish Date: September 2022
- Dimensions: 8.2 x 5.3 x 0.7 inches
- Shipping Weight: 0.4 pounds
- Page Count: 216
- Reading Level: Ages 14-UP
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