"item_title" : "The Complete Morgaine",
"item_author" : [" C. J. Cherryh "],
"item_description" : "Together for the first time in one volume--all four novels in the dark science fiction epic, the Morgaine Cycle. The gates were relics of a lost era, a linked network of portals that the ruthless Qual empire used to span Time and Space. The Science Buereau has come to believe that sometime, somewhere in the unreachable past, someone has done the unthinkable and warped the very fabric of the universe using these gates. Now, it is up to Morgaine, a mysterious woman aided by a single warrior honor-bound to serve her, to travel from world to world sealing the ancient gates whose very existence threatens the integrity of all worlds...",
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The Complete Morgaine
Together for the first time in one volume--all four novels in the dark science fiction epic, the Morgaine Cycle. The gates were relics of a lost era, a linked network of portals that the ruthless Qual empire used to span Time and Space. The Science Buereau has come to believe that sometime, somewhere in the unreachable past, someone has done the unthinkable and warped the very fabric of the universe using these gates. Now, it is up to Morgaine, a mysterious woman aided by a single warrior honor-bound to serve her, to travel from world to world sealing the ancient gates whose very existence threatens the integrity of all worlds...
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- ISBN-13: 9780756411237
- ISBN-10: 0756411238
- Publisher: Daw Books
- Publish Date: September 2015
- Dimensions: 9 x 6.1 x 1.8 inches
- Shipping Weight: 1.6 pounds
- Page Count: 828
- Reading Level: Ages 18-UP
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