Be careful for what you wish for, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. On March 24, 2014, seven close friends, stepped across time and space to the year 1740 never to return home. As the years passed, seven became four, the universe; time, would claim then one by one. Now fifteen years since Crossing the Rubicon, Trinity's story once again comes to life, with Jacob, Keara and Tom by her side. A man by the name of Markus Keel searches her out and delivers a message which will change everything she and the others have ever known. It will send them on a journey of discovery and hardship as they fight to make peace and say goodbye for the last time. To always be faithful to the end. Future, past and present come into play as the power of evil struggles to overcome the light of good. Come be part of the next chapter in the Crossing the Rubicon saga. Follow Trinity as she and her friends set sail from La Palma, Canary Islands onto a life changing quest. Come find the strength and cross the Rubicon one more time. Live the adventure like no other. Semper Fi.
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- ISBN-13: 9781492224426
- ISBN-10: 1492224421
- Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
- Publish Date: February 2014
- Dimensions: 9 x 6 x 0.57 inches
- Shipping Weight: 0.82 pounds
- Page Count: 250
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