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EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is a self-help tool to alleviate the emotional, mental, and physical struggles that come with cancer. EFT will support you every step of the way on your cancer journey, from diagnosis and decision-making through treatment and recovery.
EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), commonly called tapping, is an invaluable tool for anyone who is dealing with cancer. Research has shown that it is an effective method for alleviating emotional and psychological upsets as well as physical pain. With all of these factoring into the cancer experience, adding EFT to your healing program is a form of self-care you can implement today. EFT will support you every step of the way on your cancer journey.
EFT combines acupressure (tapping on the points) and psychology's exposure therapy and cognitive behavior therapy (focusing on whatever is distressing you). It is easy to learn and apply. EFT for Cancer gives you everything you need to start using EFT now, providing simple instructions, tapping scripts for the myriad issues that arise with cancer, case histories throughout the book showing you how other people have used EFT to deal with their cancer, plus information on the science of EFT as an evidence-based practice.
The 14 chapters in the book detail how you can use EFT to address the gamut of cancer experiences: diagnosis shock, common emotions such as fear and anger, physical pain, dealing with medical decisions and treatment, relating to loved ones, asking for and accepting support, clearing regrets, improving body image and self-esteem, talking about your condition, clearing obstacles to healing, special issues women and men with cancer face, death and dying, and self-care for supporters and caretakers, as well as how to use EFT with children.
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- ISBN: 9781604152784
- Publisher: Hay House
- Imprint: Energy Psychology Press
- Date: Dec 2021
- Seller Statement: Sold by Random House WHS