{ "item_title" : "Edward the Emu", "item_author" : [" Sheena Knowles", "Rod Clement "], "item_description" : "If you buy one book ... for sheer fun, there's no question it should be this one. -- San Diego Union Tribune Edward is fired of being an emu, so he decides to try being something else for a change. First he spends some time swimming with the seals. Next, he lounges with the lions. He even slithers with the snakes. But Edward soon discovers that being an emu may not be so bad after all. So he heads back to his pen, only to find a big surprise awaiting him .... Sheena Knowles's upbeat, rhyming text and Rod Clement's deliciously droll illustrations are sure to make readers laugh out loud in this whimsical picture book by the creators of Edwina the Emu.", "item_img_path" : "", "price_data" : { "retail_price" : "20.40", "online_price" : "20.40", "our_price" : "20.40", "club_price" : "20.40", "savings_pct" : "0", "savings_amt" : "0.00", "club_savings_pct" : "0", "club_savings_amt" : "0.00", "discount_pct" : "10", "store_price" : "" } }
Edward the Emu|Sheena Knowles
Edward the Emu
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"If you buy one book ... for sheer fun, there's no question it should be this one". -- San Diego Union Tribune Edward is fired of being an emu, so he decides to try being something else for a change. First he spends some time swimming with the seals. Next, he lounges with the lions. He even slithers with the snakes. But Edward soon discovers that being an emu may not be so bad after all. So he heads back to his pen, only to find a big surprise awaiting him .... Sheena Knowles's upbeat, rhyming text and Rod Clement's deliciously droll illustrations are sure to make readers laugh out loud in this whimsical picture book by the creators of Edwina the Emu.


  • ISBN-13: 9780613076814
  • ISBN-10: 0613076818
  • Publisher: Turtleback Books
  • Publish Date: April 1998
  • Dimensions: 10.12 x 9.48 x 0.33 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 0.8 pounds
  • Page Count: 32
  • Reading Level: Ages 3-6

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