A colorful Walt Disney production based on the true Civil War story of Andrews' Raiders, who captured a Confederate railroad train during the Civil War and were then pursued by another Confederate locomotive. When Andrews, a Union spy, leads a team of soldiers into the South to demolish the railway system, things don't go as planned. The train conductor catches on to the plan, and does everything he can to stop them! Buster Keaton featured the same story in The General.
Main Cast & Crew:
Francis D. Lyon - Director
Eddie Firestone
Jeff York
Jeffrey Hunter
John Lupton
Fess Parker
Claude Jarman Jr.
Claude Jarman, Jr.
Don Megowan
Douglas Blackley
George Robotham
- Format: DVD
- Color Format: Color
- UPC: 786936234015
- Rating: Not Rated
- Release Date: May 2004
Movie Reviews
Color by Technicolor. Shot in CinemaScope.
Additional cast: Don Megowan, Lennie Geer, Marc Hamilton, Stan Jones, W. S. Bearden, Harvey Hester, and Douglas Bleckley.
"Sons of Old Aunt Dinah" composed by Lawrence Edward Watkin, Stan Jones, and Paul J. Smith.