There is a medicine so powerful it can cure every sickness and disease known to man. It has no dangerous side effects. It's even safe in massive doses. Sound too good to be true? It's not! In this minibook, Gloria testifies by the Word of God and her own experience that such supernatural medicine exists. Even more important, she shows readers how it is accessible at any time, anywhere. For those who are believing for healing, but are experiencing lingering symptoms, this new minibook will help them build up their faith and stand strong. For those who have already received healing, following these simple principles will help them maintain their healing. And for readers who are healthy, it will help them stay that way -- not just for a short time, but for the rest of their life. "Some people are hesitant to spend great amounts of time putting the Word about healing in their heart they think their investment won't pay off. They think they might make sacrifices to attend to the Word and end up sick anyway. But if you sow cotton, you won't reap donuts. And if you steadfastly sow the Word of life into the soil of your heart, you won't end up with sickness and death". -- Gloria Copeland, from God's Prescription for Divine Health
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- ISBN-13: 9780881149869
- ISBN-10: 0881149861
- Publisher: Harrison House
- Publish Date: May 2012
- Dimensions: 5.88 x 3.37 x 0.25 inches
- Shipping Weight: 0.1 pounds
- Page Count: 96
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