In the final book of the first trilogy of the epic In Her Name science fiction & fantasy series, Final Battle picks up where Confederation left off: Reza Gard awakens in a hospital on Earth after having been in a coma for months. Charged with murder and high treason, he finds himself the scapegoat for a daring plot to assassinate the President of the Confederation. Escaping with the help of Jodi Mackenzie, who is now hunted for what she knows about the death of the president, Reza discovers that something is deeply wrong with the Empire: the warriors have lost their will to fight. Compelled to step into a trap set for him and Jodi, the two once again find themselves bound for Erlang. But this time it is to meet Tesh-Dar, who has been captured. Captured and sentenced to death, they can only watch as a human armada gathers for a strike against the Kreelan homeworld. But the human fleet - and humanity itself - will be doomed to utter annihilation unless Reza can reach the Empress in time...
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- ISBN-13: 9780984673063
- ISBN-10: 0984673067
- Publisher: Imperial Guard Publishing
- Publish Date: March 2012
- Dimensions: 8.5 x 5.51 x 0.57 inches
- Shipping Weight: 0.71 pounds
- Page Count: 252
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