When lovable rogue and sleuth extraordinaire Sam Levitt's last adventure in France ended, he thought it'd be a while before he was back, especially with the beautiful Elena Morales to keep him in Los Angeles. But a job offer from the immensely wealthy Francis Reboul soon has Sam and Elena in sunny Marseille, on a quest for further excitement . . . and delectable dining. Yet as competition over the valuable local waterfront grows more hotly disputed, Sam, representing Reboul, finds himself in the middle of an increasingly intrigue-ridden and dangerous real estate grab. Will Sam survive to enjoy another bowl of bouillabaisse? All will be revealed in the wonderfully satisfying climax to this as-only-Peter-Mayle-can-write-it romp through the south of France.
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- ISBN-13: 9780307740953
- ISBN-10: 0307740951
- Publisher: Vintage
- Publish Date: July 2013
- Dimensions: 7.97 x 5.23 x 0.7 inches
- Shipping Weight: 0.53 pounds
- Page Count: 224
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