With more than 1,300,000 answers, this volume contains more than twice as many words as any other crossword dictionary.
Meticulously compiled by two crossword professionals with a combined fifty years in the field and based on a massive analysis of current crosswords, there has never been a crossword dictionary with the breadth, depth, and currency of this one. From Jim Carrey to Sister Carrie, Homer Simpson to Homer's Iliad, the wide-ranging entries include 500,000+ synonyms, 3,000+ literary works, 3,000+ films, 20,000+ famous people from all fields, and more than 50,000 fill-in-the-blank clues so popular in today's crosswords.
Featuring an introduction by New York Times crossword editor Will Shortz, The Million Word Crossword Dictionary makes every other crossword dictionary obsolete.
This edition offers thousands of new entries, including slang terms; brand names; celebrity names; and films, novelists' works, sports Hall of Famers, automobile models, and more. The larger type size makes finding the answers easier than ever.
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- ISBN-13: 9780061689017
- ISBN-10: 0061689017
- Publisher: Collins Reference
- Publish Date: May 2011
- Dimensions: 9.2 x 7.3 x 2.3 inches
- Shipping Weight: 3.2 pounds
- Page Count: 1360
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