"Eileen Wilks is a truly gifted writer," (Romance Junkies) and her Novels of the Lupi have drawn readers into a seductive world of action, suspense, and passion. Now, FBI agent Lily Yu tracks a traitor into the darkest shadows yet...
FBI agent Lily Yu is living at Nokolai Clanhome with her fianc , lupi Rule Turner, when an intruder penetrates their territory, stealing the prototype of a magical device the clan hopes will be worth a fortune--if a few bugs can be worked out . . .
But the prototype can be dangerously erratic, discharging a bizarre form of mind magic--and it looks like the thief wants it for that very side effect. Worse, whoever stole the device didn't learn about it by accident. There's a Nokolai traitor in their midst.
Lily and Rule have to find the traitor, the thief, and the prototype. One job proves easy when the thief calls them--and his identity rocks Rule's world.
As they race to recover their missing property, they find Robert Friar's sticky footprints all over the place. Robert Friar--killer, madman, and acolyte of the Old One the lupi are at war with--an Old One whose power is almost as vast as her ambition to rock the entire world . . .
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- ISBN-13: 9780425254929
- ISBN-10: 0425254925
- Publisher: Penguin Publishing Group
- Publish Date: October 2012
- Dimensions: 6.7 x 4.1 x 1.3 inches
- Shipping Weight: 0.45 pounds
- Page Count: 416
- Reading Level: Ages 18-UP
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