Legendary anime creator Mari Okada (anohana, Maquia) makes her manga debut with a moving, funny, so-true-it's-sometimes-embarrassing story of high school girls coming of age together. Perfect for those looking for a manga reminiscent of Noelle Stevenson or Jillian Tamaki. ALL ROADS LEAD TO... Izumi tells Kazusa that he hasn't thought of doing things with her at all. And Kazusa should feel relieved to hear this, but... Now she's swimming in a sea of confusion over sex and love: How are they different? How are they linked? As these thoughts race through her head, things get more complicated when she spots Nina and Izumi hanging out by themselves. If Nina brought up these questions about sex in the first place, then what if the two are...?
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- ISBN-13: 9781632368201
- ISBN-10: 163236820X
- Publisher: Kodansha Comics
- Publish Date: August 2019
- Dimensions: 8.1 x 5.7 x 0.7 inches
- Shipping Weight: 0.45 pounds
- Page Count: 176
- Reading Level: Ages 16-UP
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