This fact-based drama centers on the Granite Mountain Hotshots, an elite firefighting team in Arizona known for their bravery in directly confronting wildfires. The film depicts the team's efforts in battling the deadly 2013 Yarnell Hill Fire. Josh Brolin, Miles Teller, Jeff Bridges, James Badge Dale, Taylor Kitsch, Jennifer Connelly, and Andie MacDowell star. Directed by Joseph Kosinski.
Main Cast & Crew:
Joseph Kosinski - Director
Josh Brolin
Miles Teller
Jeff Bridges
Jennifer Connelly
James Badge Dale
Taylor Kitsch
Andie MacDowell
Geoff Stults
Alex Russell
Thad Luckinbill
- Format: DVD (Dubbed, Widescreen, AC-3, Dolby)
- Run Time: 134
- Color Format: Color
- UPC: 043396514713
- Genre: DRAMA
- Rating: PG-13 (MPAA)
- Release Date: February 2018
Movie Reviews
3 stars out of 5 -- "[The] unpredictable quality to ONLY THE BRAVE ends up being its greatest strength." - 10/11/2017 The Guardian
"Brolin, Teller, and Connelly are compelling...the real spectacle of ONLY THE BRAVE is watching Kosinski, who previously directed TRON: LEGACY and OBLIVION, strip away his science fiction dressings and still find an otherworldly sheen underneath, even amid all this natural beauty..." - 10/17/2017 A.V. Club
3 stars out of 4 -- "ONLY THE BRAVE is filled with numerous moments that brim with what you'd call, for lack of a better term, a grounding authenticity..." - 10/18/2017 Rolling Stone
"[T]his tale of aspiration and redemption at least offers moments of genuine feeling." - 10/19/2017 New York Times