M xico es un pa s racista que niega serlo. Con argumentos como "No es racismo, sino clasismo", "Ac somos todos mestizos" o "Nunca hubo un sistema segregacionista como en Estados Unidos" negamos que hemos perpetuado la discriminaci n durante generaciones. Tenoch Huerta, actor de reconocido prestigio y portavoz del debate y la lucha antirracista en M xico desde hace a os, se encarga de rebatir estos y otros mitos acerca del racismo en las p ginas de Orgullo prieto. En este libro encontrar s una serie de reflexiones sobre las diferentes discriminaciones que sufre un mexicano por su color de piel en distintos mbitos --el social, el laboral, el familiar--, as como numerosas vivencias personales del autor sobre situaciones en las que ha sido v ctima de racismo, pero tambi n en las que ha ejercido las pr cticas racistas propias de un problema que M xico no quiere ver. «Espero que este libro contribuya a ensalzar el orgullo de ser lo que somos, para que no haya un "prieto arrogante", como me nombran, sino que haya millones de prietos orgullosos en este pa s. -Tenoch Huerta ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Mexico is a racist country that denies being one. Using arguments like "It is not racism, but classism", "We are all mestizo here" or "There has never been a segregationist system like in the United States" we deny that we have perpetuated discrimination for generations. Tenoch Huerta, a renowned actor, and spokesman for the anti-racist debate in Mexico refutes these and other myths about racism through the pages of Brown Pride. In this book, you will find a series of reflections on the discrimination that Mexicans suffer in different spheres --social, work, family--because of their skin color, as well as numerous personal experiences from the author about situations in which he has been a victim of racism too, but also in those where he has exercised the racist practices that Mexico does not want to recognize as a problem. «I hope that this book contributes to enhancing the pride of being what we are, so that there is no 'brown arrogant', as they call me, but that there are millions of proud browns in this country. -Tenoch Huerta
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- ISBN-13: 9786073821049
- ISBN-10: 6073821042
- Publisher: Grijalbo
- Publish Date: December 2022
- Dimensions: 9.1 x 6 x 0.7 inches
- Shipping Weight: 0.55 pounds
- Page Count: 224
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