In this action-packed adventure story based on the popular TV series, a villainous Pokémon "collector" is attempting to ensnare the mysterious guardian Pokémon Lugia. In order to summon this mystical creature, he must first capture three powerful elemental Pokémon representing fire, lightning, and ice: Moltres, Zapdos, and Articuno--an act that threatens to upset the balance of nature itself. As horrible natural disasters begin to occur all over the world, young Ash discovers that according to an ancient prophecy, he is the chosen one who must save the earth from total destruction--a daunting challenge for any Pokémon trainer. Fortunately, Ash is surrounded by friends he can always count on for support: his faithful electric Pokémon Pikachu, traveling companions Misty and Tracy, and his new friend Melody. Even some old enemies, the nefarious Team Rocket, end up lending a helping hand for a change. This film has a more polished feel than its predecessor, POKÉMON: THE FIRST MOVIE, and some impressive computer-animated background graphics. The main feature is preceded by a new animated short, "Pikachu's Rescue Adventure," in which audiences get to see a variety of wild Pokémon in their natural settings while learning a valuable lesson about cooperation.
Main Cast & Crew:
Rachael Lillis
- Format: DVD
- Run Time: 80
- Color Format: Color
- UPC: 782009244417
- Rating: G
- Release Date: February 2016
Movie Reviews
Following just after the accurately titled POKÉMON: THE FIRST MOVIE, POKÉMON THE MOVIE: 2000 tells the tale of a Pokémon collector who goes in search of three rare birds that, when brought together, attract Pokémon Lugia, a dreaded sea monster. The other Pokémon fight against the collector to keep Lugia hidden, as he is so powerful and dangerous that he could destroy the world. Pokémon started as a Japanimation television show featuring 151 different monsters. These monsters are brightly colored and loaded with personality. For this reason (and because they are highly marketable icons for toys and games) the Pokémon characters have become the subject of a comic book series and a string of Nintendo video games, hugely popular with kids both in Japan and in the United States.
Theatrical release date: July 21, 2000.
Original English title: POKÉMON THE MOVIE 2000: Revelation Lugia
A number of new, never-before-seen Pokémon are introduced in "The Power of One" and "Pikachu's Rescue Adventure" (including Hoot Hoot, Bellossum, Elekid, Slowking, and Lugia).
As a promotional gimmick, Wizards of the Coast (publishers of the popular Pokémon trading card game) gave out four special-edition collectible cards with every purchase of a ticket, beginning with the Ancient Mew Hologram Card during the first week of the movie's release and continuing with cards depicting the three ancient bird Pokémon: Moltres, Zapdos, and Articuno.
After the Nintendo game for Gameboy was released in the United States, soon followed by the hugely popular animated TV series and the trading card game, a veritable Pokémon frenzy broke out among elementary school kids, its apex roughly coinciding with the release of the first Pokémon movie in November 1999.
"...This freshly baked and frosted big-screen POKEMON goes down with a sweetness that charms without talking down to its audience..." - 07/21/2000 Los Angeles Times, p.C12