Princess Stories is the big sister to popular board book My Princess Bible. Princess Stories, appropriate for girls ages 4 to 8, is a collection of first-person narrative stories about 29 women in the Bible--and the 30th story is about the reader, who is God's princess too.
In each four-page story, the reader gets a rhyming verse about the princess (addressed to "Mirror, mirror on the wall"), a first-person story of the featured Bible woman and the special quality her life reflects, a Bible verse from another passage of Scripture that summarizes/relates to the character trait, and Princess Ponderings--questions that help girls and their parents discuss the stories and relate the lessons to life.
Through this book, girls will learn more in-depth stories of women of the Bible and how to apply Scripture to their own lives.
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- ISBN-13: 9781414348117
- ISBN-10: 1414348118
- Publisher: Tyndale Kids
- Publish Date: January 2012
- Dimensions: 10 x 8.2 x 0.5 inches
- Shipping Weight: 1.45 pounds
- Page Count: 128
- Reading Level: Ages 4-8
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