The Ride of Our Lives is the humorous yet deeply moving account of NBC journalist Mike Leonard's cross-country odyssey with his eccentric parents, three grown children, and a daughter-in-law. Full of ups and downs, laughs and tears, the month-long journey becomes a much larger tale of hope, persistence, and valuable lessons learned along the way. A celebration of the ties between parents and children, as well as the unforgettable community of people one can meet across America, The Ride of Our Lives is an inspiring narrative of self-discovery and self-fulfillment-and how one unique family found blessings and simple pleasures on the road called life. "Touching, hilarious . . . should be required reading in every family."
-Tom Brokaw "Poignant moments of questions and discovery, of truth-telling and memories."
-The Charlotte Observer "Often laugh-out-loud funny and sometimes heartbreakingly sad."
-St. Louis Post-Dispatch "Delightful."
-Chicago Tribune "Heartfelt and whimsical . . . a cross-country trek through life's lessons . . . Mike Leonard is a storyteller at heart, and each anecdote . . . punctuates the family's love, struggles, and triumphs. In short, this is one ride worth taking."
-Rocky Mountain News
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- ISBN-13: 9780345481498
- ISBN-10: 0345481496
- Publisher: Ballantine Group
- Publish Date: May 2007
- Dimensions: 8.02 x 5.28 x 0.55 inches
- Shipping Weight: 0.39 pounds
- Page Count: 240
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