In this irreverent spin on the superhero genre, mercenary Wade Wilson (Ryan Reynolds) agrees to participate in a top-secret experiment after learning that he has terminal cancer. When the procedure leaves him with advanced healing powers and a disfigured face, he reinvents himself as a wisecracking, spandex-clad antihero known as Deadpool, and seeks revenge on those responsible. Morena Baccarin, Ed Skrein, T.J. Miller, and Gina Carano co-star. Directed by Tim Miller.
Main Cast & Crew:
Tim Miller - Director
Ryan Reynolds
Morena Baccarin
Ed Skrein
T.J. Miller
Gina Carano
Brianna Hildebrand
Stefan Kapicic
Leslie Uggams
Karan Soni
Jed Rees
- Format: 4K Blu-ray (Digitally Mastered in HD)
- UPC: 024543275862
- Rating: R
- Release Date: May 2016
Movie Reviews
"Reynolds was born for the role: If a surprising number of the film’s fast-flying jokes actually land, it’s because the star knows just how to deliver them." - 02/08/2016 A.V. Club
"DEADPOOL knows exactly how to use Reynolds, an actor whose smooth leading-man good looks have long disguised one of the sharpest funnyman sensibilities in the business..." - 02/06/2016 Variety
3 stars out of 4 -- "Armed with an unlimited arsenal of delicious snark, Reynolds has a blast playing Wade Wilson..." - 02/11/2016 Rolling Stone
4 stars out of 5 -- "Largely covered in either a mask or prosthetics, Reynolds is terrific, relishing the filthy, frantic nature of it all." - 02/06/2016 Total Film
"Deadpool is a perfect example of a character who doesn’t need world-threatening danger to foil." - 02/07/2016 Empire
"Crass, profane, and intermittently quite funny, the directorial debut of animator Tim Miller inaugurates a new genre hybrid: the super-bromedy." - 02/12/2016 The Atlantic