{ "item_title" : "Satan's Advice to Young Lawyers", "item_author" : [" Aleister Lovecraft Esq "], "item_description" : "The perfect gift for lawyers and law students There is no denying it, Satan has the legal landscape dialed. -- GabrielImpressive book. -- John MiltonSee? This is exactly what I was talking about. -- William BlakeIt is not every day that the Prince of Darkness himself writes a book. Satan's Advice to Young Lawyers is a pithy guide to rising from lowly first-year associate to renowned leader of the legal community.Inside the pages of this remarkable book, Satan offers his profound counsel on topics as diverse as choosing evil as a path to power, the billable hour, how to steal clients from your law firm, fashion, and more.Do not let your competition have these secrets for themselves. Get the book now.This profound guidebook makes a great gift for your favorite law student, bar exam taker, bar exam passer or new lawyer.", "item_img_path" : "", "price_data" : { "retail_price" : "7.95", "online_price" : "7.95", "our_price" : "7.95", "club_price" : "7.95", "savings_pct" : "0", "savings_amt" : "0.00", "club_savings_pct" : "0", "club_savings_amt" : "0.00", "discount_pct" : "10", "store_price" : "" } }
Satan's Advice to Young Lawyers|Aleister Lovecraft Esq
Satan's Advice to Young Lawyers
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The perfect gift for lawyers and law students "There is no denying it, Satan has the legal landscape dialed." -- Gabriel

"Impressive book." -- John Milton

"See? This is exactly what I was talking about." -- William Blake

It is not every day that the Prince of Darkness himself writes a book.

Satan's Advice to Young Lawyers is a pithy guide to rising from lowly first-year associate to renowned leader of the legal community.

Inside the pages of this remarkable book, Satan offers his profound counsel on topics as diverse as choosing evil as a path to power, the billable hour, how to steal clients from your law firm, fashion, and more.

Do not let your competition have these secrets for themselves. Get the book now.

This profound guidebook makes a great gift for your favorite law student, bar exam taker, bar exam passer or new lawyer.


  • ISBN-13: 9781502726353
  • ISBN-10: 1502726351
  • Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
  • Publish Date: October 2014
  • Dimensions: 8 x 5 x 0.23 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 0.24 pounds
  • Page Count: 94

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