Based on the original Marvel Comics character Shang-Chi from the 1970s, who appeared in his own solo series "The Hands of Shang-Chi Master of Kung Fu," this film follows the superhero's transition from childhood to adulthood. Trained by his infamous Chinese father Wenwu (Tony Chiu-Wai Leung), Shang-Chi (Simu Liu) uses his hand-to-hand combat skills to defeat those that mean him harm through his father. But as Shang-Chi grows up, he must confront the fact that the man who trained him may be the man he must defeat. Co-starring Awkwafina, Michelle Yeoh, and Florian Munteanu.
Main Cast & Crew:
Destin Daniel Cretton - Director
Simu Liu
Meng'er Zhang
Fala Chen
Florian Munteanu
Benedict Wong
Michelle Yeoh
Ben Kingsley
Tony Leung
Ronny Chieng
- Format: 4K Blu-ray (With Blu-Ray, 4K Mastering, Digital Copy, Dubbed, AC-3)
- Run Time: 132
- UPC: 786936871456
- Rating: PG13
- Release Date: November 2021
Movie Reviews
"SHANG-CHI quickly distinguishes itself with its action, which emphasizes precision and agility over brute-force strength or weightless CG trickery..." - 08/23/2021 Hollywood Reporter
"The early action scenes are the best, as Cretton and his second-unit/VFX teams collaborate to make cartoonishly extreme choreography seem acceptable within the movie’s elastic alternate reality." - 08/23/2021 Variety
3.5 stars out of 4 -- "[I]t has an immense soulfulness that other MCU movies, superhero movies, and action movies in general should take notes from." - 09/03/2021 RogerEbert.com
"[D]irected by Destin Daniel Cretton with an obliging eye toward kung fu cinema..." - 09/01/2021 New York Times
"[A] project that blends Chinese and North American storytelling and star power." - 08/23/2021 A.V. Club
4 stars out of 5 -- "SHANG-CHI thrives when the scenes are rooted in the real world, especially in its fight sequences." - 08/23/2021 Empire
"Razzle dazzle -- with a ton of heart and a generous sprinkling of warm humor. That’s SHANG-CHI AND THE LEGEND OF THE TEN RINGS right there." - 08/31/2021 Chicago Sun-Times
"[I]t manages to do everything expected of it....The actual fights are satisfying..." - 09/03/2021 Rolling Stone