"My name is Levi. I'm 16. I've got a skull for a face. And here's how shit went down." Having never been outside the walls of Gramm Jones Foster Care Facility, sixteen-year-old Levi leaves in the middle of the night with an empty backpack and a newfound lust for life. A journey that leads him into the arms of delusional newlyweds, drunkards, polygamists, the dangerous, and the batshit crazy. His destination? Hermosa Beach, California where he's told there is another like him, with the face of a skull. A coming-of-age road trip filled with surreal Lynch-ian encounters exploring the dark, the disturbing, and the lonely in a 1980s world-an epic venture for one disfigured boy struggling to find his place in the world."This is Huck lighting out for the territories, and kind of documenting an era for us on the way. Only--because it's now not then--he's got a skull face to deal with. As do we all." Stephen Graham Jones, author of Mongrels"I was captivated by the first sentence...The pages fly by. I was utterly absorbed into the world of this transient teenager and his endearing, poignant and often hilarious take on every situation." Cemetery Dance
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- ISBN-13: 9781724864819
- ISBN-10: 1724864815
- Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
- Publish Date: August 2018
- Dimensions: 8 x 5 x 0.47 inches
- Shipping Weight: 0.5 pounds
- Page Count: 204
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