Austin Watkins, 35 and a single father, finds himself in a precarious situation. Currently locked up in Chicago's Cook County Jail, he knows that Fredquisha, the trifling mother of his only daughter, is a despicable, careless and reckless THOT who is the antithesis of caring, loving black motherhood.Wanting to see her son gain full redemption from his current situation, Delores Watkins, better known as Mrs. Watkins, is also hellbent on rescuing Austin's six-year-old daughter, Myyah, from the clutches of relentless psychological, emotional and physical abuse she suffers at the hands of Fredquisha. Hoping her son works hard to change the course of his life for the betterment of his daughter, Mrs. Watkins explores the possibility of challenging Fredquisha's custody of Myyah. But as she navigates the complex, red-tape filled bureaucracy of child welfare services, Mrs. Watkins decides to take things in her own hand and is willing to put her life on the line for the salvation of her granddaughter. Fredquisha Pierce, a native of the dangerous Englewood, Chicago, could give a two sh ts about the welfare of her daughter. Her mission in life is simple. Get money, smoke good weed and ride bomb d--k. Nothing more, nothing less. After meeting a potential new bae, Fredquisha needs to make some lifestyle changes so she can upgrade her section 8 squalor living situation. However, a looming pregnancy threatens to unravel her plans for a big come up.This book is another episodic chronicle born out of the dark, gritty, social drama storytelling talent of urban fiction mastermind QUAN MILLZ. THIS HOE GOT ROACHES IN HER CRIB will deliver a gut-punching blow to those who don't understand the many trials and tribulations single fathers go through to rescue their children from manipulative ratchet women who use the family court system to their advantage.-This is a work of satirical fiction that could be described as a dark comedy combined with social commentary. In no way do the descriptions of the characters reflect my personal feelings or beliefs in regards to those of African descent, particularly Black women. The stereotypes employed in the book are deliberate in that I attempt to cast a light on the state of contemporary urban pulp fiction.
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- ISBN-13: 9798736151776
- ISBN-10: 9798736151776
- Publisher: Independently Published
- Publish Date: April 2021
- Dimensions: 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.84 inches
- Shipping Weight: 1.05 pounds
- Page Count: 378
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