In this historical drama set during the Cold War, a Brooklyn attorney (Tom Hanks) is tasked with negotiating a prisoner exchange between an American pilot who was shot down over the USSR and a Soviet spy serving a 45-year sentence for espionage against the U.S. BRIDGE OF SPIES was directed by Steven Spielberg and written by Matt Charman and Joel and Ethan Coen.
Main Cast & Crew:
Steven Spielberg - Director
Tom Hanks
Alan Alda
Mark Rylance
- Format: DVD (AC-3, Dolby, Widescreen, Dubbed)
- Run Time: 142
- UPC: 786936847895
Movie Reviews
"Spielberg is still taking chances. After all, it takes a certain kind of guts to risk being seen as old-school in Hollywood these days." -- Grade: B+ - 10/06/2015 Entertainment Weekly
"BRIDGE OF SPIES is a consummate professional's tribute to a gifted amateur, a smooth entertainment with a strong but subtle political subtext that's both potent and unexpected." - 10/15/2015 Los Angeles Times
"[A] daring, studied, mannered true story that is at once remarkably genuine and deeply cinematic at the same time. It’s one of the best films of the year." - 10/16/2015 RogerEbert.com
"[I]t’s one of the most handsome movies of Spielberg’s latter-day phase, and possibly the most eloquent." - 10/12/2015 A.V. Club
"Spielberg has taken an important but largely forgotten and hardly action-packed slice of the Cold War and turned it into a gripping character study and thriller..." - 10/14/2015 Chicago Sun-Times
3 stars out of 4 -- "It resonates when Spielberg gives us action that defines character, as in Donovan's trip to Berlin, where conspiracies damn near kill him." - 10/14/2015 Rolling Stone
"An air of wholesome, stolid assurance pervades BRIDGE OF SPIES, a handsome, sober-minded Cold War thriller about a little-known chapter of American history." - 10/15/2015 Washington Post
4 stars out of 5 -- "Like a Jimmy Stewart or Gary Cooper, both embodiments of ’50s integrity, Hanks’ star persona is the engine that drives the film forward." - 11/20/2015 Empire
5 stars out of 5 -- "Spielberg skillfully captures the paranoid mood of the era and the barbed political labyrinth Donovan has to negotiate in trying to reconcile all the mutually suspicious interests involved." - 11/23/2015 Total Film
"[Hanks's] collaboration with Steven Spielberg on this robust but talky Cold War drama is one of his best, and most underrated, efforts." - 10/31/2020 The Atlantic