Jon Watts directs this Marvel Cinematic Universe continuation that features Peter Parker (Tom Holland) after he is unmasked, revealing his identity as Spider-Man to the world. In a way, he likes it that his girl MJ (Zendaya) knows his true identity, and also his best friend Ned (Jacob Batalon) and Aunt May (Marisa Tomei). However, many issues and problems follow this identity reveal. Thus, Peter approaches Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) to help him resolve the situation by performing a specific time-altering ritual. But that also bears some unintended and problematic consequences.
Main Cast & Crew:
Jon Watts - Director
Tom Holland
Benedict Cumberbatch
Jacob Batalon
Jon Favreau
Jamie Foxx
Willem Dafoe
Alfred Molina
Benedict Wong
Tony Revolori
- Format: 4K Blu-ray (With Blu-Ray, 4K Mastering, 2 Pack, Digital Copy, Dubbed)
- Run Time: 148
- UPC: 043396578999
- Rating: PG13
- Release Date: April 2022
Movie Reviews
"[The film] turns more exciting and funny as it proceeds." - 12/24/2021 Chicago Sun-Times
"As much fun as this movie is, it is, at heart, a story of loss and letting go." - 12/27/2021 Washington Post
"[T]here’s a lightness to the movie’s final scene that makes one hopeful." - 12/13/2021 Hollywood Reporter
"[A] consistently entertaining superhero entry, tying up two decades of loose ends in the process." - 12/13/2021 Variety
3 stars out of 4 -- "[A] film that’s often bursting with creative joy....Director Jon Watts and his team have delivered a true event movie, a double-sized crossover issue of a comic book..." - 12/14/2021 RogerEbert.com
"Dafoe and Molina both look vaguely uncanny....It's nice to watch these two finely cooked hams drum up some of that old cartoon theatricality..." - 12/14/2021 A.V. Club