Originally serialized in Japan's TV Magazine, these classic stories from the Generation 1 era of Transformers are now available in English for the first time For eons, the Autobots and the Decepticons have been locked into a brutal civil war for eons. The Autobots seek peace and coexistence, while the Decepticons seek power and control. Now, humans are caught in the middle as the battle between these two mighty factions comes to Earth In this collector's volume, the Autobots and their young friend Kenji must stand tall against the Decepticons in an interplanetary conflict These classic stories are from the dawn of the Transformers, and this volume contains thrilling tales such as "The Great Transformer War" and "Fight Super Robot Life-Form Transformers "--plus an extensive art gallery
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- ISBN-13: 9781974710560
- ISBN-10: 1974710564
- Publisher: Viz Media
- Publish Date: March 2020
- Dimensions: 8 x 5.8 x 0.9 inches
- Shipping Weight: 1.15 pounds
- Page Count: 288
- Reading Level: Ages 12-17
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