Llega la desead sima y esperada segunda parte del gran xito A trav s de mi ventana, de Ariana Godoy. Descubre la nueva novela de la trilog a de los Hermanos Hildalgo. Nada es tan f cil y simple en la vida de alguien como yo. Qu se siente al vivir con tres chicos tan guapos? Eres tan afortunada. Que envidia. Vivir con esas bellezas, que privilegio. C mo puedes vivir con ellos? Te has tirado alguno? Podr as conseguirme su n mero de tel fono? Eso es solo un poco de lo que he tenido que lidiar desde que los chicos Hidalgo crecieron y se convirtieron en el sue o h medo de todas las chicas de este lugar. Artemis, Ares y Apolo Hidalgo son los responsables de muchos suspiros de chicas en las calles y con los que crec aunque no seamos familia. Muchas personas me creen afortunada, pero est n tan equivocados sobre mi vida, no saben mi historia, no todo es color de rosa en la vida de una chica como yo. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION The long-awaited second part of Ariana Godoy's successful novel Through My Window.
The new novel in the Hidalgo Brothers trilogy. Nothing is so easy and simple in the life of someone like me. How does it feel to live with three such handsome guys?
You are so lucky. Living with those beauties, what a privilege.
How can you live with them?
Have you slept with any of them?
Could you get me their phone numbers? That's just a little bit of what I've had to deal with since the Hidalgo boys grew up and became the fantasies of every girl in this town. Artemis, Ares, and Apolo Hidalgo are responsible for many hearts going pitter patter in the streets. I grew up living with them, although we are not actually family. Many people believe me to be so lucky, but they are so wrong about my life, they don't know my story, not everything is so rosy in the life of a girl like me.
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- ISBN-13: 9788418483509
- ISBN-10: 8418483504
- Publisher: Montena
- Publish Date: May 2022
- Dimensions: 8.4 x 5.9 x 1.1 inches
- Shipping Weight: 0.85 pounds
- Page Count: 336
- Reading Level: Ages 12-UP
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