Bad credit? No credit? The Ultimate Credit Repair Guide to Having Luxurious Credit is loaded with knowledgeable, easy-to-follow advice no matter where you find yourself on your financial journey. Arnita, like millions of Americans, learned that having bad credit can jeopardize your livelihood. What started as an instant approval of credit for $2500, quickly spiraled into twenty-five unpaid credit cards, reckless spending habits, and uncontrollable debt that cost her a well-paying job and nearly destroyed her financial future. With a FICO score of 303 (FICO starts at 300), Arnita knew the only person who could repair the damage she did to her credit was her She received no help from the credit bureaus and countless threatening calls from bill collectors. But after years of studying consumer rights and laws on how to fix what seemed irreparable, Arnita applied practical steps and proven methods that cleaned up her credit report and doubled her credit score in six months. This guide includes exclusive information on: Credit repair dispute techniques Inside secrets on how the credit bureaus work How to finally put an end to debt collector calls How to increase your credit score in 30 days How to write effective dispute letters How to request debt validation How to establish credit Sample well-written dispute letters What NOT to do when repairing your credit The infamous "Debt Collector Call Script" And MUCH MORE
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- ISBN-13: 9781539867333
- ISBN-10: 1539867331
- Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
- Publish Date: November 2016
- Dimensions: 8 x 5.25 x 0.2 inches
- Shipping Weight: 0.24 pounds
- Page Count: 98
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