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What are the secrets behind well-known companies like Salesforce, Whirlpool, and Cintas's ability to be repeatedly recognized for their top sales performance? What do they do that sets them apart from their competition, allowing them to increase sales revenue year over year?
It's not due to their ability to master online sales funnels or introduce software that automates their sales process. Instead, these companies dominate their markets because they continually elevate their sales team's skills and performance to an unstoppable level.
This comprehensive book is written for sales executives, leaders, and managers. If you lead a sales team and want to improve their sales performance without being forced to invest in new technology, hire more employees, or completely restructure your existing sales team, then this book is for you.
Based on his work with sales leaders from around the globe, Shawn Casemore shares a proven model for building, structuring, and improving a sales team's performance. This model is effective regardless of the product or service sold, industry served, or sales leader's experience.
In this book, Shawn shares:
- What your sales team's greatest challenge is, and how to overcome it.
- The key influences that impact a sales team's performance.
- Steps to assessing your sales team's current performance levels.
- The top sales skills of an unstoppable sales team.
- How to create an environment that stimulates the performance of your sales team.M
- Methods to motivate your sales team (that don't require money).
- A framework for coaching your sales team to higher levels of performance.
- Selecting and setting sales performance metrics that matter.
- Technology that will elevate and accelerate the sales performance of your team.
- How to attract and retain top sales professionals.
Whether you are new to leading a sales team or a seasoned leader, the Unstoppable Sales Team contains the strategies, methods, and best practices for building a high-performing sales team that outsells and outperforms its competition.
Stop stressing about improving your sales team's performance. Get the strategies and methods to design, lead, and unlock your sales team's full potential.
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- ISBN-13: 9781032391502
- ISBN-10: 1032391502
- Publisher: Productivity Press
- Publish Date: August 2023
- Dimensions: 9 x 6 x 0.42 inches
- Shipping Weight: 0.6 pounds
- Page Count: 184
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