Where the real frontier begins...
A young cowpuncher stakes a claim that can only be sealed with fists and a .44 Colt.... A gunfighter, tired of violence, finds himself pushed down a trail of bloody revenge.... From purple sage to gambler's gold, from a señorita's tempting smile to a splash of blood in the dust, here are stories with a distinctive L'Amour twist.
A quiet farmer defends his honor in a moment of panic and luck...only to find true courage on the run from the dead man's brothers. A young drifter defends a lady's honor...and finds himself the quarry of a hanging posse. An aging marshal with a reputation as a crack shot faces a stranger who knows his secret. With relentless suspense and unforgettable drama, Louis L'Amour once again paints a vivid portrait of our western heritage that will live forever.
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- ISBN-13: 9780553576979
- ISBN-10: 0553576976
- Publisher: Bantam
- Publish Date: March 1997
- Dimensions: 6.88 x 4.21 x 0.76 inches
- Shipping Weight: 0.26 pounds
- Page Count: 256
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Never before published in paperback, this book is a prized addition to any Louis L'Amour fan's bookshelf and is all the more precious because these 14 stories had never appeared in book form before this book's hardcover publication. The tales include "Beyond the Chaparral," "A Husband for Janey," and more. . . . West of Dodge.
Never before published in paperback, this book is a prized addition to any Louis L'Amour fan's bookshelf and is all the more precious because these 14 stories had never appeared in book form before this book's hardcover publication. The tales include "Beyond the Chaparral," "A Husband for Janey," and more. . . . West of Dodge.