The manga series that inspired the card game that swept the globe Tenth-grader Yugi always had his head in some game--until he solved the Millennium Puzzle, an Egyptian artifact containing the spirit of a master gambler from the age of the pharoahs Possessed by the puzzle, Yugi becomes Yu-Gi-Oh, the King of Games, and challenges evildoers to the Shadow Games...weird games with high stakes and high risks Yugi fights Pandora, a duelist who uses one of Yugi's own favorite cards, the Dark Magician But can Yugi duel while chained to the path of a roaring buzz saw? Next, using one of his brainwashed pawns to fight for him, the mysterious Marik traps Yugi in a deadly cage match against one of the most powerful cards in the world. And more duels rage as fish monsters, sea serpents and dark beasts are unleashed from their decks
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- ISBN-13: 9781421579306
- ISBN-10: 1421579308
- Publisher: Viz Media
- Publish Date: August 2016
- Dimensions: 7.4 x 5 x 1.4 inches
- Shipping Weight: 0.85 pounds
- Page Count: 592
- Reading Level: Ages 14-17
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