"Talento en abundancia, originalidad deslumbrante y elegancia con las palabras... El Zahir es algo m s".
--Los Angeles Times
El narrador de El Zahir es un novelista de s per ventas que vive en Par s y disfruta todos los privilegios que el dinero y la celebridad brindan. Su esposa de diez a os, Esther, es una corresponsal de guerra que ha desaparecido con un amigo, Mikhail, quien podr a o no ser su amante.
Esther fue secuestrada, asesinada o simplemente escap de un matrimonio que no la satisfac a? El narrador no tiene respuestas, pero tiene demasiadas preguntas. Un d a Mikhail encuentra al narrador y le promete reunirlo con su esposa. En su intento de recuperar un amor perdido, el narrador descubre algo inesperado sobre s mismo.
Una historia inolvidable y redentora sobre la obsesi n, El Zahir explora su potencial de cumplir nuestros sue os y destruirlos.
"Superabundant talent, stunning originality, an elegant way with words... The Zahir is something more."
-- Los Angeles Times
The narrator of The Zahr is a bestselling novelist who lives in Paris and enjoys all the privileges money and celebrity bring. His wife of ten years, Esther, is a war correspondent who has disappeared along with a friend, Mikhail, who may or may not be her lover.
Was Esther kidnapped, murdered, or did she simply escape a marriage that left her unfulfilled? The narrator doesn't have any answers, but he has plenty of questions of his own. Then one day Mikhail finds the narrator and promises to reunite him with his wife. In his attempt to recapture a lost love, the narrator discovers something unexpected about himself.
A haunting and redemptive story about obsession, The Zahir explores its potential to fulfill our dreams, and to destroy them.
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- ISBN-13: 9780060831318
- ISBN-10: 0060831316
- Publisher: HarperCollins Espanol
- Publish Date: November 2022
- Dimensions: 7.9 x 5.2 x 0.8 inches
- Shipping Weight: 0.55 pounds
- Page Count: 320
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