{ "item_title" : "Poison Artist", "item_author" : [" Jonathan Moore "], "item_description" : "An electrifying read . . . I haven't read anything so terrifying since Red Dragon. -- Stephen King Magnificent, thoroughly unnerving . . . I dare you to look away. -- Justin Cronin Caleb Maddox is a San Francisco toxicologist studying the chemical effects of pain. He's out drinking after a bad breakup when a hauntingly seductive woman sits down at his side. He talks to Emmeline over absinthe, but their encounter is fleeting. She brushes her lips on his ear and disappears. He must find her. As Caleb scours the city, he begins helping the city's medical examiner with a serial-murder investigation. Soon the search for the killer entwines with Caleb's hunt for Emmeline, and the closer he gets to each, the more dangerous his world becomes. A wicked mix of Poe, The Silence of the Lambs, and Vertigo, * The Poison Artist spins a thrilling tale of obsession, damage, a man unmoored by an unspeakable past, and a woman who offers the ultimate escape. A totally new take on the mystery-thriller genre . . . Fresh and unpredictable. The writing is top-notch . . . Grade: A. -- Cleveland Plain DealerGenuinely scary, in the very best way, and nastily twisty, also in the very best way . . . Hypnotic. -- Guardian * William Landay", "item_img_path" : "", "price_data" : { "retail_price" : "16.99", "online_price" : "16.99", "our_price" : "16.99", "club_price" : "16.99", "savings_pct" : "0", "savings_amt" : "0.00", "club_savings_pct" : "0", "club_savings_amt" : "0.00", "discount_pct" : "10", "store_price" : "" } }
Poison Artist|Jonathan Moore
Poison Artist
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"An electrifying read . . . I haven't read anything so terrifying since Red Dragon." -- Stephen King "Magnificent, thoroughly unnerving . . . I dare you to look away." -- Justin Cronin Caleb Maddox is a San Francisco toxicologist studying the chemical effects of pain. He's out drinking after a bad breakup when a hauntingly seductive woman sits down at his side. He talks to Emmeline over absinthe, but their encounter is fleeting. She brushes her lips on his ear and disappears. He must find her. As Caleb scours the city, he begins helping the city's medical examiner with a serial-murder investigation. Soon the search for the killer entwines with Caleb's hunt for Emmeline, and the closer he gets to each, the more dangerous his world becomes. "A wicked mix of Poe, The Silence of the Lambs, and Vertigo, "* The Poison Artist spins a thrilling tale of obsession, damage, a man unmoored by an unspeakable past, and a woman who offers the ultimate escape. "A totally new take on the mystery-thriller genre . . . Fresh and unpredictable. The writing is top-notch . . . Grade: A." -- Cleveland Plain Dealer"Genuinely scary, in the very best way, and nastily twisty, also in the very best way . . . Hypnotic." -- Guardian * William Landay


  • ISBN-13: 9780544811829
  • ISBN-10: 0544811828
  • Publisher: Harper Paperbacks
  • Publish Date: December 2016
  • Dimensions: 7.9 x 5.2 x 1 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 0.5 pounds
  • Page Count: 304

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