Escaping a troubled marriage, Annie Cameron brings her autistic son Charlie and mother-in-law to Mico Island. With the friendship of Winston Mann and his wife, their new home becomes a sanctuary. Until the dreams start. Years ago the Manns' son mysteriously drowned. Winston thinks the woman who once lived in Annie's house caused his death. Except she's been dead for two hundred years. Charlie and his mentally fragile grandmother sense a malevolent presence in the house. But they don't know how to fight back as Annie slowly becomes possessed. Now Annie has discovered the door to the widow's walk and the house's dangerous past. A storm is brewing. Someone waits to finish what was started long ago. And Annie will keep a promise she never made.
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- ISBN-13: 9781509228805
- ISBN-10: 1509228802
- Publisher: Wild Rose Press
- Publish Date: February 2020
- Dimensions: 8 x 5 x 0.67 inches
- Shipping Weight: 0.7 pounds
- Page Count: 318
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